Here are a few facts about color that may surprise you.
Did you know......
•Color and Light are inextricably linked. You cannot have color without light.
•Color is a small part of the vast electromagnetic spectrum that includes radio frequencies, microwaves, and light.
•Color/light can penetrate your body – it has even been detected in the brain of a living sheep.
•Your skin is your largest photoreceptor, absorbing more color/light than your eyes.
•Pink can cause muscle weakness within 2.7 seconds after exposure. It is believed to affect the endocrine system almost immediately. More than 30 minutes in a pink environment causes hostility and aggression.
•Color/light can affect the immune system.
•Color/light therapy is used for treating jaundice in premature babies.
•Light-based therapies are used for treating disorders such as psoriasis - even cancer.
•Experiments have shown that red light can kill the HIV virus in blood.
•Researchers are studying a new generation of drugs that work by interacting with light to target specific areas of the body.
•Red light has been used as a wound healer and has been shown to stimulate production of cell tissue and promote the regeneration of skin and blood tissue.