Dr. Kenneth Fehrman and Cherie Fehrman are a husband and wife design team who have worked together for more than twenty-five years in the field of interior design, color consulting, and accessories design.
Dr. Kenneth R. Fehrman earned his doctoral degree from the University of San Francisco, specializing in color and its effects. He is a Professor of Interior Design at San Francisco State University and has been a color consultant and interior designer for the past twenty-five years. He has also taught graphic design, environmental design, textiles and aesthetics. Dr. Fehrman is a member of the International Interior Design Association (IIDA), the Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC) and the Inter-Society Color Council (ISCC).
Cherie Fehrman is an interior designer, color consultant and writer. She is Dr. Fehrman’s color research assistant and co-author. She has taught color and design courses at San Francisco State University, the Rudolph Schaeffer School of Design, and Western Design Institute. She also designs a line of pillows featuring antique textiles and a jewelry collection featuring antique stones and carvings. She is a member of the Inter-Society Color Council (ISCC) and The Authors Guild.
The Fehrmans founded PRISM (Photochromatic Research Institute for Science and Marketing) in 1990 to disseminate accurate information about color/light. Separately and together, they have written seven books and several hundred articles. Currently, they continue their color research in the area of color/light therapy and give seminars on the effects of color/light. They have been successful in reversing paralysis in one of their own dogs using color/light therapy and, have also extended quality life in cases of kidney failure in several other dogs using color/light therapy. They are now pursuing this avenue further with veterinarians and are beginning work on their next book.
The Fehrmans offer color seminars for design professionals and the public. For information contact fehrman1@earthlink.net.
Visit our on-line shop for antiques, Fortuny pillows and fine jewelry at Elegant Artifacts